Friday, March 22, 2013

Health Benefits of Lemon Essentional Oil

Health benefits of lemon essential oil  
  • Reduces stress:
    Lemon oil is calming in nature and therefore helps in removing mental fatigue, exhaustion, dizziness, anxiety, nervousness and nervous tension. It has the ability to refresh the mind by creating a positive mind-frame and removing negative emotions. It is also believed that inhaling lemon essential oil helps in increasing concentration and awareness.
  • Prevents insomnia:
    Lemon essential oil promotes sleep and helps those suffering from insomnia.
  • Promotes immune system:
    Lemon oil has high vitamin content and therefore it helps to increase the immunity of the body. It further stimulated white blood cells and thus increases your ability to fight diseases. Lemon oil also improves the circulation in the body.
  • Fights diseases:
    Lemon oil is effective against infectious diseases such as malaria and typhoid. It cam also help bring down fever, relieve throat infections, asthma and fever.
  • Prevents stomach disorders:
    Since lemon essential oil is carminative, it is used in treating various stomach problems including indigestion, acidity, stomach upsets, cramps, etc.
  • Skincare: Lemon oil is a good remedy for the increasing the luster of dull skin. It is astringent and detoxifying in nature, and rejuvenates dull skin. Its antiseptic properties help in treating pimples and various skin disorders. Pressed from lemons with a fresh scent, it is used to reduce sebum production and is beneficial for aging skin, and it helps to reduce scars and stretch marks
  • Haircare:
    Lemon oil is also effective as a hair tonic. Many people use lemon essential oil to get strong, healthy and shinning hair. Lemon oil is also used for removing dandruff.
  • Avoids overweight: Lemon juice is very helpful in reducing weight.
  • Avoids tiredness: Lemon essential oil is refreshing and stimulating and increase the circulating. It is helpful in removing mental as well as physical tiredness.

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